Whatever Form This Moment Takes, installation view, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Montreal
Untitled (clouded), Oil and Metallic paint on Mylar, 2017, 26 x 21 inches
Whatever Form This Moment Takes, installation view, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Montreal
Whatever Form This Moment Takes, installation view, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Montreal
Whatever Form This Moment Takes, installation view, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Montreal
Untitled (where it becomes clear #2), Oil based paint, graphite and charcoal on tarlatan, 2018, 41 x 60 inches
Untitled (where it becomes clear #1), Oil based paint, graphite and charcoal on tarlatan, 2018, 41 x 59 inches
Whatever Form This Moment Takes, installation view, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Montreal
Untitled (ghost, in the palest blue), Oil on Mylar, 2015, 2 layers - blue/white over black/grey, 31 x 22 inches
Untitled (ghost, in the palest blue), Oil on Mylar, 2015, 2 layers - blue/white over black/grey, 31 x 22 inches
Untitled Triptych (when it settles #3, #4, and #5, from the series A Certain Silence), 2017, Oil based paint, graphite and charcoal on tarlatan, layered, 59 x 35 inches each.
Untitled (when it settles #3, from the series A Certain Silence), 2017, Oil based paint, graphite and charcoal on tarlatan, layered. 59 x 35 inches
Untitled (when it settles #4, from the series A Certain Silence), 2017, Oil based paint, graphite and charcoal on tarlatan, layered. 59 x 35 inches
Untitled (when it settles #5, from the series A Certain Silence), 2017, Oil based paint, graphite and charcoal on tarlatan, layered. 59 x 35 inches
Whatever Form This Moment Takes, installation view, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Montreal
Untitled (dark glow), Oil on Mylar, 2016, 31 x 22 inches
Untitled (dark glow), Oil on Mylar, 2016, 31 x 22 inches
Whatever Form This Moment Takes, installation view, Galerie Nicolas Robert, Montreal
Red (landscape #1 and #2), 2014, Oil on Mylar, 18 x 13 inches
Untitled (for a more focused meditation #1 and #2), baltic birch plywood, 2018, 60 x 20 x 12 inches each.